There is a pervasive attitude in the 'brains' in DC thar, without any concept of the nuts and bolts of any business, they can decree ridiculous "improvements". Saw it repeatedly in banking. AND, when did we the people start allowing nameless, faceless people in some 'department' to start telling us what we have to do?

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Communists ALWAYS want "to bend the American people to their will through government coercion"

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Yes, unless the majority votes these wanna-be communists out, the age of personal choice in transportation, and most other things in America is going away. Spread the word!

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People who have their own way of getting around that they cannot turn off if you don’t do as you’re told, are a threat to these Marxist nutters.

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Theyll just close all the gas stations. Welcome to living in 1880 again

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